Yvonne Präger
Switzerland / Germany
Yvonne Praeger's oil paintings are dedicated to flora and fauna. Using the blow-up effect, she mainly creates realistic depictions of flowers in large formats.
Yvonne Praeger was born in Essen and grew up near Cologne. After training as a design assistant and working in advertising agencies and companies, she has lived in Switzerland since 2008. She began intensive studies in oil painting with Mireille Desroches (Lausanne) and deepened her knowledge by studying contemporary painting in Ueberlingen. In 2020 she opened her own studio in Berlingen.
In addition to oil painting, Praeger works intensively with other techniques such as encaustic, pastel and acrylic. Her art captures the uniqueness and beauty of nature in snapshots and encourages the viewer to take a closer look. Through the use of colour, light and shadow, the artist creates a three-dimensional reality on the canvas.
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