Luco Cormerais

Luco Cormerais first becomes a stone sculptor, then a sculptor on paper, which he cuts into repetitive shapes with a unique cutting technique until he reaches a three-dimensional graphic composition. The work appears in an undulating, light-emitting structure. As a passionate adherent of quantum physics and philosophy, he arranges and places the particles like waves in a "field" in a delicate and poetic way. He seems to stabilize the dance of the atoms in a work that displays contemplative emotions.

The work on kraft paper explores the possibilities of a modest and common medium that, through the action of a cutting, separating, and tearing gesture, changes its own essence beyond the apparent possibilities. The paper is envisaged as a possible three-dimensional surface, where the drawing and graphic design is not laid on the sheet but inscribed into the material.

Image by Luco Cormerais

Luco Cormerais: Pluie Céleste / Sculpture sur papier Kraft, technique mixte et originale, rehaut acrylique et feuille or 24 carats / 68 x 68 cm, 2019

Image by Luco Cormerais

Luco Cormerais: Intrication quantique L2 / Sculpture sur papier « Corvon » technique mixte et originale rehaut feuille or 24 carats / 35 x 35 cm, 2020

Image by Luco Cormerais

Luco Cormerais: Désir d'Infini / Sculpture sur papier Corvon "paper cut", technique mixte et originale, rehaut feuille or 24 carats / 35 x 35 cm, 2019