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Image (detail): Ribal Molaeb: Sunset / oil on canvas, 70x100cm, 2024 / Courtesy Agénor, Zurich
Echoes of Lebanon

The Galerie Agénor in Zurich presents the Lebanese artist Ribal Molaeb, esteemed for his performances as a concert and orchestral musician on the viola.
Molaeb's proficiency in painting is manifest in his subtle interplay of colour nuances, facilitated by an extensive colour repertoire. The artist's oeuvre encapsulates the essence of life and the earth, distinguished by a profound sense of calm that captures the perfect balance between earth and sky.
The compositional, harmonic and melodic aspects of Molaeb's oeuvre are musically inspired, and his works are characterised by dynamic compositions that stand out for their precise distribution of colour and form. Ribal Molaeb's comprehension of classical music's harmony facilitates the creation of paintings with sophisticated abstract compositions.
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Image (detail): Ribal Molaeb: Sunset / oil on canvas, 70x100cm, 2024 / Courtesy Agénor, Zurich

Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints: Jupiter in Switzerland
Exploring boundaries

Presented by ADM PHOTO Gallery London, Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints' Zero F*cks Given project explores how far you can get by simply looking up. Her photographs offer a path to healing, a moment of calm and a way out of the global chaos that manifests itself in the noise of digital information overload.
The images turn our gaze away from the violence that humans inflict on each other and towards the cosmos. Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mint's aesthetic approach to digital photography challenges the conventional boundaries between the medium, the image and its components. In doing so, she enables a comprehensible and consistent orientation in a context characterised by ambiguity and confusion.

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Image (detail): Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints: Jupiter in Switzerland / Photography, 2024 / Courtesy of ADM PHOTO Gallery, London
Exploring boundaries

Presented by ADM PHOTO Gallery London, Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints' Zero F*cks Given project explores how far you can get by simply looking up.
Her photographs offer a path to healing, a moment of calm and a way out of the global chaos that manifests itself in the noise of digital information overload.The images turn our gaze away from the violence that humans inflict on each other and towards the cosmos. Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mint's aesthetic approach to digital photography challenges the conventional boundaries between the medium, the image and its components. In doing so, she enables a comprehensible and consistent orientation in a context characterised by ambiguity and confusion.

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Image (detail): Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints: Jupiter in Switzerland / Photography, 2024 / Courtesy of ADM PHOTO Gallery, London

Image (detail): Jean-François Reveillard / Yoorart.com

Image: Variation 03 by Jean-François Reveillard (JfR) / Yoorart.com

A creator of multidimensional reality

Multimedia artist Jean-François Réveillard creates visionary artworks, philosophical performances and ambitious projects at the intersection of art and science.
Réveillard uses 3D printing, augmented reality and artificial intelligence to create astonishing works. He combines digital painting, original graphics, photography, video, animation and interactive elements to create multimedia artworks that can be experienced across AR platforms and media.
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Image (detail): Jean-François Reveillard / Yoorart.com

Image: 3D sculpture, cross media installation COLORS by Jean-François Reveillard


A selection of artist stories

Image (detail): Carlo Zoli
The antithesis of life

Carlo Zoli explores the duality of existence ...

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Image (detail): Schang Hutter
A lasting artistic legacy

Schang Hutter was a prominent Swiss sculptor ...

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Image (detail): Jungmin Kim
A network for Korean art

Harang Gallery offers a great opportunity to experience ...

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Image (detail): Tibetan Lama Art, Zurich
Contemporary Buddhist art

The traditional craft of statue makers and thangka ...

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Image (detail): Name
European masterpieces

Petro Art Production from Slovenia has started to collect ...

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Image (detail): Phumulani Ntuli / Courtesy Reku Art Gallery Madrid
Crossroads: New Art from Africa

Phumulani Ntuli's work combines artistic research...

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Image (detail): Victoire d'Harcourt : Sculpture / Courtesy Ange Monnoyeur Gallery
Balancing the world on silk string

French artist Victoire d'Harcourt often expresses ...

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Image (detail): Inigo Navarro: Las piernas de Apolo / Courtesy of Galeria Contrast
Spanish figurative painting

Íñigo Navarro is a painter who constantly draws ...

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Image (detail): Claudia von Boch
The Human-Earth Relationship

Claudia von Boch's figures and objects bear witness ...

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Image (detail): Courtesy of Hassan J. Richter Photography
A monumental documentary

Photographer Hassan J. Richter's series Lost Places ...

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Image (detail): Courtesy of Chris van Weidmann
Calligraphic masterpieces

Chris van Weidmann's calligrams tell stories in subtle ...

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Image (detail): Frantisek Jungvirt / Courtesy of SHOWROOM Zurich
Passion for glass

František Jungvirt is a young glass designer and painter ...

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Image (detail): Courtesy of Donegel' Chong
Life episodes

Donegel' Chong's works are biographical to varying ...

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Image (detail): Courtesy of Mamuka Kapanadze
Modern Expressionism

Mamuka Kapanadze is an artist and iconographer ...

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Image (detail): Taeko Tsunoda / Courtesy of Smart Ship Gallery
Realism and Abstraction

Japanese artist Taeko Tsunoda's paintings are ...

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Image (detail): alpengluehen art group (aag)
The mythical faces of the Engadine

The artist duo alpengluehen art group (aag) creates ...

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Image (detail): Park Jong-Sung / Courtesy JW Art Gallery
The planet's original colours

Artist Park Jong-Sung focuses on the planet ...

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Image (detail): Luco Cormerais
Sculpture on paper

Luco Cormerais began his artistic career as ...

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Image (detail): Rick Stevens and Alexandra Eldridge / Courtesy NoonPowell Fine Art
Curious Conjurings

This series brings together the artistic worlds ...

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Image (detail): Danielle Creme
Female empowerment

Danielle Creme's work is a blend of realism...

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Image (detail): Courtesy of Maura Patrizia Zoller
Celebration of colour

Maura Patrizia Zoller takes the viewer on a journey into ...

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Events and participants in 2023
Events and participants in 2023
Events and participants in 2023
Events and participants in 2022
Events and participants in 2021
Events and participants in 2020

Artist Index

Be inspired by great art and meet contemporary artists!

This presentation of artists and galleries only covers the period from 2018 to 2024. More artists will be introduced here soon. Contact us here if you are missing someone.


Hector Adalid | presented by wkomma Art Management

Roland Adatte | presented by Art Momentum

alpengluehen art group (aag)

Juliette Agabra

Paulo Akiiki | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Kashu Ando | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Haruna Aoki | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Murielle Argoud

Asnaby | presented by Fondation Artists-Way

Dario Attanasio


Martin Kaspar Bachmann

Astrid Baenziger

Isabelle Bak

Biljana Bakaluca | presented by Petro Art Production

Veronica Barbato | presented by CasaGalleria

Pierre-Luc Bartoli | presented by Galerie Cyril Guernieri

Christine Barrès | presented by coGALERIE

Mara Bauer

Julien Beaucourt | presented by Petro Art Production

Leo Berekayi | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Ragela Bertoldo

Rafel Bestard | presented by Galeria Contrast

Markus Bhend | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Emily Bickell | presented by Halde Galerie

Urs Bischof | Gold Art

Pedro Blas

Claudia von Boch

Heinke Böhnert | presented by coGALERIE

Marek Boguszak

Witness Bonjisi | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Evelyne Brader-Frank | presented by Halde Galerie

Joel Brandenberger | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Alexandra von Burg

Rosmarie Burger | presented by Art Gallery Vijion

Sanne van Bussel | presented by Petro Art Production


Miguel Carbajal

Yuri Catania | presented by CasaGalleria

Ricardo Celma | presented by Smaltlight

K. Mira Ceti

Laura Ceretti | presented by CasaGalleria

Jerome Chia-Horng Lin | presented by Fen Atelier Gallery

David Chinyama

Philippe Chitarrini | presented by B&B FineArt e Lagorio Arte Contemporanea

Edward Chiwawa | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Raffaele Cioffi | presented by B&B FineArt e Lagorio Arte Contemporanea

Francisc Chiuariu | presented by Henri Maillardet Art Society

Donegel' Chong

Alina Chorna | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Juliette Clovis | presented by Ange Monnoyeur Gallery

Luco Cormerais

Danielle Creme

Francesco Cusumano


Dadamaino | presented by B&B FineArt e Lagorio Arte Contemporanea

Maka Dadiani | presented by Fondation Artists-Way

Adeniyi Damilola | presented by Reku Art Gallery

Balázs Deim | presented by Art Capital Foundation

Philippe Delenseigne | presented by WS Art Gallery

Walter Diem | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Egon Digon | presented by Vijion Art Gallery

Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints | ADM Gallery / ADM Photo

Eilbhe Donovan

Silke Dormann | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Frances Schandera-Duarte / Everett Duarte | Duarte-Artists

Nicolas Dubreuille | presented by Ange Monnoyeur Gallery

Sergey Dubroff (JODU) | presented by ARTelPOINT

Martyn Dukes


Didier Eichenberger | presented by Galerie am Lindenhof

Alexandra Eldridge | presented by NoonPowell Fine Art

Ulrich Erkelenz


Sina Faccioli

Ingrid Fasser | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Oliver Fauser | presented by Galerie zum Harnisch

Tiziana Federico | presented by Elevate Art

Raymond Fein | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Tommy Fiendish (Thomas D. Wright) | presented by Elevate Art

Heiner Fierz

Gheorghe Fikl | presented by Henri Maillardet Art Society

Eric Roux Fontaine | presented by Ange Monnoyeur Gallery

Michael Frahm

Christian Friedl

Judith Frischherz

fru.ch (Beat Frutiger) | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Samuel Frydman aka Asnaby / Fondation Artists-Way

Tania Font | presented by Galeria Contrast

Yannick Fournié | presented by Ange Monnoyeur Gallery

f/two | Nicole und Karl Reber


Juyeon Gächter | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Fabien Gaeng | presented by Fondation Artists-Way

Irene Gärtner | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Dobiesław Gała | presented by AZ ART

Gloria Galovic

Wioletta Gancarz

Nubia Soledad Garcia Hernandez | presented by Wilde

Armando Garlun

Vanessa Garner | presented by WS Art Gallery

Laurence Gartel | presented by Galerie zum Harnisch

Daniela Gauch

Dan Gerbo | presented by Galerie zum Harnisch

Gina Ginali | presented by Tcvetkova

Corinne Gnägi | presented by Art Momentum

Naomi Gotanda | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Susette Goldschmid

René Golker | presented by Elevate Art

Antonia Pia Gordon

Tim Guse (Tim Onday) | presented by Elevate Art

Tafadzwa Gwetai | presented by Theiler Art Gallery


Alice Hanakova Sloane

Ying Handler

Niki O'Hare | presented by Halde Galerie

Victoire D'Harcourt | presented by Ange Monnoyeur Gallery

Asya Haroutunian | presented by Arts Crossroad Gallery

Alona Harpaz | presented by Fondation Artists-Way

Charlotte Harron

Envita Hasler | Hasler and Colbert

Dayami Hayek

Nadia Heitmar

Caroline Helfer

Elmira Herren

Kazumasa Hiwasa | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Willi Hofmann | presented by Kunstschür

Kerstin Hochuli

Arno Hoogland | presented by Exit Art Amsterdam

Hetty Huisman | presented by Exit Art Amsterdam

Schang Hutter | presented by Art Momentum


Ayaka Iida | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Dumitru Darius Ilisei | presented by Petro Art Production

Predrag Inić | presented by Petro Art Production

Interaktive Kunst | Joachim Ackva

Sandy Iseli

Tina Itin | presented by Galerie am Lindenhof

Keiko Ito | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Izumi | presented by Smart Ship Gallery


Jabba Company | Sarkis Homberger

Marco Jacconi

Michal Jackowski

Jan January Janczak | presented by Showroom Zürich

Jeon, Ji-Hyun | presented by Jami Exhibition Seoul

Jo, Myung-Hee | presented by Jw Fine Art Gallery

Jo, Youngryeo | presented by Jami Exhibition Seoul

Joo, Woon-Hang | presented by Jw Fine Art Gallery

František Jungvirt | presented by Showroom Zürich


David Kämpfen

Michito Kaihara | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Julia Kaiser

Peter Kananji | presented by Shona Art Gallery

Mamuka Kapanadze

Katyusha (Ekaterina Nikitina) | presented by Arts Crossroad Gallery

Therese Kaufmann | bildertheke

Jonas Kaufmann | Unikatschmiede

Verena Keihl | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Christian Keller | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Kimberly Kiel | presented by Halde Galerie

Miky Kim | presented by Harang Gallery

Jungmin Kim | presented by Harang Gallery

Verena Kirchlechner | Atelier Animalia

Hanna Klopotowska | presented by Showroom Zürich

KML-ART | Karin Myriel Leopold

Housi Knecht

Shintaro Kobayashi

Christian Koller | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Linmay Komine | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Robert Korizek

Josef Kostner | presented by Vijion Art Gallery

Valerijana Krasniqi | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Rufus Krieger | presented by Elevate Art

Yuliia Kruse

Juergen Kuhl | presented by wkomma Art Management

Gabriele Kulstrunk

Elena Kupreeva | presented by Arts Crossroad Gallery

Lu Kuznetsova | presented by Kunstzürichsüd


Elena Lagun

Patrick Lang | presented by WS Art Gallery


Martin Lechner | presented by B&B FineArt e Lagorio Arte Contemporanea

Meera Lee | presented by Jami Exhibition Seoul

Sangyung Lhee | presented by Harang Gallery

Lee, Soo-In | presented by Gallery Harang

Petra Lehmann

Peter Lindenberg

Jamari Lior (Maja Jerrentrup) | presented by Elevate Art

Cornelia Lochmann | presented by Art Gallery Vijion

Taras Loboda

Guido Lötscher

Rita Madelaine Loewenthal

Michele Lombardelli | presented by B&B FineArt e Lagorio Arte Contemporanea

Loovus | René Amstalden

Robert Luca | presented by Petro Art Production

Marco Lupi | presented by CasaGalleria

Soraya Luyeh

Bernd Luz | presented by Fen Atelier Gallery


Colleen Madamombe | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Tomohiro Mae | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Chiara Magni

Daniel Marín

Carina Martins | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Gerard Mas | presented by Galeria Contrast

Mike Masedza | presented by Shona Art Gallery

Miriam Mass | presented by Fondation Artists-Way

Nonny Mathe | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Mel Matteucci

Jocelyn Akwaba Matignon

Kazuki Matsumura | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Katsuyo Matsumaru | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Pamela Maria | presented by Exit Art Amsterdam

Heinz Marzohl

Maria Mazzillo | Feel Ink

Priska Medam | presented by Galerie zum Harnisch

Monika Meier-Roth

Masha Melnik

Theres Menzi

Olivier Messas | presented by coGALERIE

Annette Mewes-Thoms

Claudia Meyer | presented by Ange Monnoyeur Gallery

Michiko | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Mika | Dominika Pastor

Stanislav Mikus | presented by Sense Art

Beatriz Mínguez de Molina

Claudia Mini | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Kazuhiko Miyamoto | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Aiko Mizutani | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Katharina Mörth | presented by Art Momentum

Ribal Molaeb | presented by Galerie Agénor

Alessandro Montalbano | presented by WS Art Gallery

Alexander Mordvintsev | Art Me Association

Angela Morgan | presented by Halde Galerie

Nichola Mukomberanwa | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Henry Munyaradzi | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Garyu Murayama | presented by Smart Ship Gallery


Lloyd Mwarowa | presented by Theiler Art Gallery


Miyuki Nagai-Gubser

Yoko Nakamura | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Kristine Narvida

Íñigo Navarro | presented by Galeria Contrast

NBCH | Nicole Bron Chappuis

Dumisani Ndlovu | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Kelly O'Neal | presented by Halde Galerie

Tomomi Nishizawa

Florian Nörl

Dario Norelli | presented by Galerie am Lindenhof

Kika Notten | presented by Exit Art Amsterdam

Jozek Nowak

Phumulani Ntuli | presented by Reku Art Gallery


Marianne Odok | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Sumiko Okubo | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Ayline Olukman | presented by Ange Monnoyeur Gallery

Shuk Orani

Richard Orlinski | presented by Galerie Adrienne Desbiolles


Bhanu Palam

Corina Palombo | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Parcus Gallery

Alejandro Parisi | presented by Smaltlight

Park, Jong-Sung | presented by Jw Fine Art Gallery

Sara De Pasquale

Gero Paul

Pierre Pellegrini | presented by CasaGalleria

Peppone / Elmago | presented by Clémentine Gallery

Manuel Perea del Prado | presented by Elevate Art

Romy Pfeifer | presented by f/two artroom reber

Alexandre Plattet

Harald Plattner | presented by Vijion Art Gallery

Christina Pleyer

Gina Plunder

Olesja Pop | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Victor Popov

Yvonne Praeger

Lorita Preiano | presented by CasaGalleria

Marco Prieto | presented by Smaltlight


Rafka | Simon Kessler

Patrick Rapp | presented by f/two artroom reber

Nii Anyetei Ras | presented by Reku Art Gallery

Jean-François Réveillard | JfR

Viktoria Rechsteiner | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Tom Reed

Roland Reinert | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Sarah Richani

Hassan J. Richter

Sonja Riemer | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Gold Gallery Rigotti

Oto Rimele

Annie Roques

Marie-Noëlle Ronayette

Mireia Ruiz | presented by Reku Art Gallery

Julia Runggaldier | presented by Vijion Art Gallery

Christa Ruoss-Haller | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Christoph Rust

Sven Rusti

Dominik Rutz


Saemulanz | presented by Art Momentum

Brighton Sango | presented by Theiler Art Gallery

Stefano Sanna | presented by wkomma Art Management

Sophie Sarda-Légaré

Aiko Sasaki | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Tamie Sasaki | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Madeleine Saxer

Michael Sazarin | presented by La Gioia Ascona Arthouse

Andrea Sbra Perego | presented by Name1 London

Massimiliano Schiavon | presented by Glas Art Gallery

Martina Schiffer | LumenArt

Vik Schroeder | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Irina Schönhals

Dorothea Schüle | presented by Camena Art Project by art e motion

Joachim Schulz | presented by Elevate Art

Oliver Schweizer | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Ruth Senn

Mansi Shah

Masahiko Shigyo | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Sookyung Shon | presented by Harang Gallery

Susanne Senn | Roger Sandmeier

Savina Seo

Paul Severin

Agnes Skipper

Sylwia Smoron

Wolfgang Sobol | WOMS

J. F. Sochurek

Kristina Sretkova

Eirini Stefanaki | presented by Art X on Glass

Rick Stevens | presented by NoonPowell Fine Art

Nik Streiff

Silvia Strobos | presented by Exit Art Amsterdam

Arijel Štrukelj | presented by Art Momentum

David Stumpp

Stelios Stylianou

Marek Sulek | presented by AZ ART

Ursula Sulser | presented by Galerie Kunstzürichsüd

Elisabeth Sunday | presented by Galerie Adrienne Desbiolles

Yuuko Suzuki


Noriko Takaoka | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Mieko Takahashi | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Akiko Takashima | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Souun Takeda | presented by Stella Art Tokyo

Kumiko Tamura | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Haiting Tang

Masami Tanno | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Alice Teichert | presented by Halde Galerie

Toru Teranishi | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Elena Terentieva | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Heidi Thompson | presented by Halde Galerie

Karin Thür

Joss Toledo

Honys Torres

Giovanni Trümpi | presented by Art Momentum

Arnold Truog

Taeko Tsunoda | presented by Smart Ship Gallery



Katsuya Ueda | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Bettina Marion Ulrich | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

Andreas Urscheler


Ulrike Int-Veen | presented by coGALERIE

Marshall Vernet | presented by CasaGalleria

Gustavo Viani | presented by WS Art Gallery

Zvonimir Vidić | presented by Petro Art Production

Martina Villiger


Annemarie Waibel

Corinne Waldmeier

Catherine Waser | ateleria

Aurelia Wasser

Chris van Weidmann

Kristina Weiss | presented by coGALERIE

Brigitte Wellinger | presented by Kunstzürichsüd

David Werthmüller | presented by Art Momentum

Wisi Art

Corina Wolfram (COCOW) | presented by ARTelPOINT



Sachiko Yabuki | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Hiroshi Yamazoe | presented by Smart Ship Gallery

Keiko Yoda | presented by Smart Ship Gallery


Carlo Zoli | presented by Ines Forme d'arte

Maura Patrizia Zoller

Gallery representations

A global representation of artists:

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BBIFA Art Events - Swiss Art Fairs and Exhibitions
